Monday, October 07, 2002

October 7, 2002

What lies ahead for the New York area employment market?

As I've looked at information I've pulled from a variety of sources and digest them, my answer, for now, is a whole lotta more of the same. People I speak with in organizations are talking about flat budgets for 2003 but discretion within them to spend to spend in different ways to support revenue enhancement or cost reduction.

In other words, for now, if you're a consultant and your project is winding down, the odds are against you getting extended. If you're a manager who is out of work, there are going to some opportunities ahead . . . but not a lot of them and you'll need to compete aggressively for them.

Some institutions are going to continue to look to cut expenses aggressively and that means more lost jobs in technology

There will be continued downward pressure on salaries.

More jobs are opening up . . .but not enough to support the labor pool that is looking for work.

There is an article on my website that speaks about how to get better responses to the resumes you email (Resumes that Work at Follow the suggestions there, particularly the one about submitting point by point responses to job postings you see and explaining how your experience fits the requirement.

What are you seeing in the market? Email me at and I'll post your emails to this weblog for others to gain from your experience.

Good luck!

Jeff Altman


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