Wednesday, December 07, 2005

December 2005

December, 2005: A year that we can be thankful for

This year, 2005, is one that we can be thankful for.

It was not so long ago that people were hiding at their desks hoping that they would not be called in to an office where someone was waiting to fire them.

And once fired, interviews were hard to come by and job offers were given with only two choices—take it or leave it. Employers were in the drivers seat.

2005 has gone a long way to balance out some of the dynamics of the labor market. Companiesm have started to hear the words, “I’m turning down your offer,” more often as people start to receive multiple job offers. Just as I told you if you were reading this column in December 2004.

The market for senior professionals has started to increase as has the salary levels for senior positions—just s I was saying it would if you read my columns last year.

And the market is not just in one industry or in one sector—it is pretty well across the board. Finacial services, pharma, manufacturing. Big, middle and small companies. Management, mid management ansd staff.

Yes, the IT labor market is back and this year, there are going to be more positive changes that you can benefit from. For some of my thinking, come back to this column in January, 2005 to read it or subscribe to my ezine that is being launched in January, 2006. To subscribe, send an email to and “FREE EZINE” in the subject line. Not only will you receive my ezine but a free list of job sites that can help you land your next job more quickly.

Jeff Altman
Concepts in Staffing

© 2005 all rights reserved.

Jeff Altman, Managing Director with Concepts in Staffing, a New York search firm, has successfully assisted many corporations identify leaders and staff in technology, accounting, finance, sales, marketing and other disciplines as employees or consultants since 1971. He is a certified leader of the ManKind Project, a not for profit organization that assists men with life issues, and a practicing psychotherapist.

For additional job hunting or hiring tips, go to

To subscribe to Jeff Altman’s Search e-zine, send an email to and write “FREE EZINE” on the subject line.If you would like Jeff and his firm to assist you with hiring staff, or if you would like help with a strategic job change, send an email to him at (If you’re looking for a new position, include your resume).


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