Friday, June 22, 2007

Google Will Open New Data Center in Iowa

Google Inc. will build a $600 million data center in western Iowa, as announced by Gov. Chet Culver last Tuesday according to Forbes .The purpose of this acquisition is to serve that current need and as well into the near future wherein the popular search engine company is expecting to need more spaces to accommodate their ever-growing computer database.

It will be housing the computers that the search engine will use for its services. What got them interested in the site was because of it being a sort of a crossroad for internet activity, according to Google.

Construction has already begun on a 55-acre site in Council Bluffs, across the Missouri River. The newest investment is expected to create about 200 jobs. This of course will generate income that is expected to be a really big help in the local economy. This alone is one of the big reasons why lawmakers and locals are excited to have the internet company invest in their local economy. Aside from the obvious employment of a lot of highly technical people, this single investment alone could help other support businesses as well.

As proof of the importance of having Google invests in their state, the politicians even passed a bill that would give the company a substantial tax exemption in regards to their considerable electrical and capital investment.This was all coordinated by Sen. Bill Dotzler who was excited to see Iowa attract a world-class company that could possibly bring more businesses to the state. He is hoping that by bringing Google to Iowa, other similar companies would follow suit. "I really think that this is just the start of these server-type businesses, and Google's decision to come to Iowa is probably going to lead to other server companies coming to Iowa," Sen Bill Dotzler tells Forbes.

This is of course the main goal of the lawmakers all along when they arranged the tax exempt for Google. All of these things are of course expected to generate the vicious cycle of having more and more world class companies investing in the local economy that will lead to even more companies attracted by the business-friendly tax environment. This in turn will lead to a big improvement of the businesses of local vendors and suppliers especially, which will promote even morethe attractiveness for other companies to follow suit. The popular internet company will enjoy its tax break through 2024 and then pay $65 million in taxes over the next 15 years.

Also, the company is very willing to help the local economy by using local vendors and suppliers if possible.

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