Friday, December 27, 2002

December 31, 2002


Now what?

Another sluggish year in IT seems to be ahead of us. Business is lousy for almost everyone. The list of explanations for why this is the case is enormous but the explanations come down to a pretty short list—few firms are making enough money to justify additional expenditures for people and resources. Yet, if you explore the web, you might notice an interesting thing..

The Final Four (the group of professional services firm formerly known as the Big 5 until Arthur Andersen imploded) seems to be going on a hiring binge. One firm is looking for over 200 professionals nationwide; another over 500! Admittedly, few of them are related to technology but, judging by my experience with one of the firms, each listing represents multiple positions so these numbers may be on the low side.

What do these firms believe or know that explains numbers like these? Could this be the ginning of the recovery?

Let's hope so.


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