Saturday, February 01, 2003

If you read my previous blog, I noted a discernable pick up in jobs during the beginning of January. It was a surprise and I am now busier than I have been for a while. Let me offer you some perspective.

As many of you know, I host a Yahoogroup through which I distribute jobs as they come available. I have been dedicated in my use of this service since its inception in August, 2001. Let me offer you the number of jobs I circulated during the past 7 months.

July, 2002: 33/
August, 2002: 25/
September, 2002 15/
October, 2002 37/
November, 2002 8/
December, 2002 14/

January, 2003 52

See what I mean? Almost as many jobs as in the entire 4th quarter of 2002 were opened up this quarter. The positions are not just staff but technology management positions as well. This is the first time technology management positions have regularly opened in some time. When I ask job seekers what they're experience, they're telling me that the phone is ringing again with a few interviews. Salaries still stink, but the phone is ringing more.

So, maybe, just maybe, there's no war with Iraq or it's a short one with no retaliation in the US then maybe, just maybe we may be finished with this labor recession and all of us can go back to earing the kind of income we got used to a few years ago.

Here's hoping.

But in the mean time, join my yahoogroup by clicking on the button toward the middle right site of my home page and have positions emailed to you so you don't have to keep coming back to this site all the time (or, worse yet, calling) to see what's come available.
I can't take calls right now from everyone checking in to find out what's going on because if I spoke to everyone who called, then I would never have time to network to find jobs for people and manage the search process.

Only re-submit your resume when your experience actually fits the job description. Revise your resume to demonstrate that your skils fit because a client of mine will never take time to discern whether you do.

Good luck.

Jeff Altman


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